Time Lines

Time - how do you do it?

Past, present and future - all coded as we know where we are.

Time Lines
By now you will not be surprised to learn that we have time ‘coded’ too and that ‘how’ we actually code our experience of time makes a difference to how we experience the world

Whenever you think you will either be :-

in the future - ie. imagine yourself in a future time
in the present - concentrating on what actually is happening for you now
in the past - checking back through your memory banks

When we are thinking about the past and checking back through our memory banks it is called a Transderivational Search or TD Search for short. We do a TD Search (think about the past) with any or all of our senses - seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting etc. For instance when we smell a perfume that an ex partner wore, we immediately remember the lover; or when we hear a piece of music that was important to us at one time, we immediately remember the time. We did a TD Search without any conscious awareness on our part, the memory popped up immediately.

Often, we actually have to consciously remember a memory - to have more information on a future event that will be similar, or to remember a direction when we are travelling. etc. etc. There are literally hundreds of thousands of reasons why we would want to remember a memory. We do TD Searches regularly in daily life, without realising it !

Why would we consciously want to remember our memories ?
Because they are resources. Every time we do something successfully and lets face it, how ever much we would choose to put ourselves down, we have all done some things well - so that memory of doing something well is a resource. A resource that you can use, now and in the future to be more of the person that we want to be. For instance we are all an example of learning well as small children. How quickly did we learn a new language - the one that our parents spoke, how well did we learn to coordinate our bodies to do quite amazing things. How would it be to use that capacity of learning that you have, and have demonstrated as a child, in your life now ?