
Learning to Learn

How actually do we learn? Not what do you need to learn - but HOW!!

About Our Brains

It's probably not very great to hear, but our brains are a bit like a computer. Every experience we have had from the moment we were conceived has been programmed into us to make us the person that we are.

The good news is that we can choose to actually find out our programme coding and change how we code our experience. This manual contains the knowledge to be able to do that.

Okay. So let's start with learning how we as human beings learn. Learn what?
Our Brains
Stages of Learning
Any thing that we learn or learn about requires us to progress though four stages of learning development - from “Ignorance” to “Mastery”

Mis-takes and confusion are absolutely necessary to progress up the levels. Without them we would not, and indeed could not learn and achieve mastery.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page and scroll up to see the "Four Stages of Learning"
4th Stage of Learning
Stage 4
Unconscious Competence
You are able to do things skilfully, and without needing to consciously pay attention to what you are doing.
3rd Stage of Learning
Stage 3
Conscious Competence
You are able to do things but you still have to think about what you do. As you develop your competence through practice you become more skilled, and eventually reach the last stage
2nd Stage of Learning
Stage 2
Conscious Incompetence
You know what you want, and you know that you don’t know how to do it yet, and there is a gap in your abilities. The transition to the next stage requires you answer the question “How?” - and you begin to examine the process of getting to your goal.
1st Stage of Learning
Stage 1
Unconscious Incompetence
This is the state of ignorance: not only do you not know how to do something, but you don’t know that you do not know ! The transition to the next stage is to do with “What ?” You become aware of content in order to realise there is something that you want.