
Categorising your World

How do you make sense of your world?

"7 plus (+) or minus (-) 2 pieces of information

Our brains can only cope with thinking about "7 plus or minus 2 bits of information at anyone time. So for us to be able to think about complicated information we need to "chunk" it in to categories.

Chunking is organising or breaking down some experience into bigger or smaller pieces. Grouping information by class and subclass.

Chunking up involves moving to a larger, more abstract level of information.

Chunking down involves moving to a more specific and concrete level of information.

Chunking laterally (sideways) involves finding other examples at the same level of information.

We have to chunk stuff because we can only think about 7 things at any one time. So for complicated stuff we need to categories it and put it into clumps cause 7 plus or minus 2 bits of info in our brains is it!! Chunking develops meaning and thereby facilitates memory.

So, take a humble pen! If we chunked up from “pen” we would get “writing materials” and then stationery, tools humans use etc.. Keep going with this and we get into infinity - the infinite. etc.

if we chunked down with “pen” in categorising we would have “ball point” or “biro” or “ink”. Keep going with this and we get into the minuscule, the very specific e.g. my blue ink pen that has teeth marks on the cap.

If we chunk side ways form pen we get - pencil or felt tip!

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Chunk Up: Higher Logical Level, Agreement, Abstraction, Ambiguity, The Big Picture

Chunk Sideways: Same Logical Level, Reframe, Similarity, Matching, Metaphor Like?

Chunk Down: Lower Logical Level, Nit Picking, Argument, Details, Specifics, Finer Distinction, Mismatching