Well - Formed Outcomes

Are you "well formed"?

- follow the well formed-ness conditions!

Everything that we do or undertake has an "outcome" in someway or other. It can be the outcome we had intended or a different one. For instance, we might pitch for some business with a company but although we did get some business, we didn't get the amount of business that we thought we would get. But we did get an outcome.

Below is a type of "snakes and ladders" game to make sure that the outcome you are going for is the outcome you get.

To use this "game" please start at the bottom and answer the questions as fully as you can. If you find that you either don't know one of the answers or that you don't feel good about the answer, then return to the beginning and ask yourself again the question "What do I want? What do I really want?
Well Formed Outcomes
If at any square, you have a “negative” or “stuck” response, please go back to the bottom and ask yourself again...

“What do I want?”

Cycle around until you are satisfied and feel complete.

You ail find that by using this technique that your outcomes that you want will become much easier to achieve. Why? Because you have thought through all the different factors that could hold you back.